
Lets Celebrate MSMEs, Start-Ups & Entrepreneurship

MSME India Business Awards 2022 is the ideal platform you were waiting for, to get recognized for your achievements in the most competitive space. The awards will celebrate the diligent work and persistence of booming entrepreneurs and honour the brands that have had a profound impact on the sector and the economy as a whole. 


The MSME sector is one of the most challenging and fiercest when it comes to competition. The trends and techniques in the sector have grown to be more versatile and flexible, thus enabling more room for growth and up-gradation. MSME India Business Awards will bring your success story to the audience by recognizing your commitment to this ever-growing industry to ensure that more and more people understand and engage with the value and dynamics of running a successful business.



Criteria for classification of Micro, Small and Medium enterprises. Revised Classification applicable w.e.f 1st July 2020

Composite Criteria: Investment in Plant & Machinery/equipment and Annual Turnover


Manufacturing Enterprises and Enterprises rendering Services


Investment in Plant and Machinery or Equipment:

Not more than Rs.1 crore and Annual Turnover ; not more than Rs. 5 crore


Investment in Plant and Machinery or Equipment:

Not more than Rs.10 crore and Annual Turnover ; not more than Rs. 50 crore


Investment in Plant and Machinery or Equipment:

Not more than Rs.50 crore and Annual Turnover ; not more than Rs. 250 crore

Tech Awards Logo

Tech is what is keeping the businesses running. Tech India Transformation Awards 2022 intends to recognize and celebrate the achievements in this segment for their contributions in ensuring business continuity.

The Tech India Transformation Awards will be looking for tech firms that have carved a niche for themselves while being relevant to the current times and those ventures which have successfully refashioned themselves to overcome gaps in the prevailing technologies.



Your company must meet the following criteria to be considered eligible for DPIIT startup recognition.

Company Age

Period of existence and operations should not be exceeding 10 years from the Date of Incorporation

Company Type

Incorporated as a Private Limited Company, a Registered Partnership Firm or a Limited Liability Partnership

Annual Turnover

Should have an annual turnover not exceeding Rs. 100 crore for any of the financial years since its Incorporation

Original Entity

Entity should not have been formed by splitting up or reconstructing an already existing business

Innovative & Scalable

Should work towards development or improvement of a product, process or service and/or have scalable business model with high potential for creation of wealth & employment

Awards Objective

  • To celebrate the best in the Indian MSME & Tech Industry.
  • To recognize industry practices that helped carve a niche catering to specific customer demands and requirements.
  • To recognize the initiatives and business formats that have contributed to industry growth.
  • To reward the innovations in the business sector.
  • To celebrate the change makers and innovators across various segments.

Nomination Fee

Nomination fee of INR 10,000 + GST will be charged per category

(Fee Includes One Award Nomination & 2 invites to attend the Awards Ceremony followed by Networking Cocktail & Dinner.)

Last Date of Nomination

30th September 2022 is the last date to file your nomination in the various categories

Still Wondering, Why Enter?

  • Winning at the Awards will help in improving brand awareness and promote your business to new customers via national PR.
  • A successful entry honours and salutes your hard work and your colleagues’ accomplishments.
  • Registering and being a part of this event enables you to benefit from the partner network enabled by these awards which will be utilized to promote all the winners.
  • A win acts as a 3rd party endorsement for your business, becoming a significant differentiating factor setting you apart from the others in your sector.
  • The trust and credibility that comes with awards recognition can play a key part in a potential new customers’ decision to choose and prioritize you over your fellow competitors.
  • The winners will be presented with a trophy and certificate amidst media & Industry veterans.